Saturday, September 22, 2012

MY Wedding Workshop!

So this weekend I decided to host a wedding workshop! Some of my best friends, Jenna & Paul, decided to help me make this happen! I have always wanted to plan a colorful, amazing photo shoot, just for fun! So, I went to the thrift store, threw together some props, made some rainbow cupcakes, and called it a day! A few of my friends came along to snap some shots! I taught some posing, talked about the stress of weddings, and how to prepare to shoot them. - It ended up being a great success :) Not to mention, the bride and groom look spectacular ;D This is still one of my favorite shoots I've put together.  <3   M A R I S S A   G I R A R D   P H O T O G R A P H Y ©

- Paul was loving dem' cupcakes! (I can't believe something I baked actually came out good!)- 
Below is an example of the kind of looks I get when I try to explain something...
Happy Ending for everyone :D


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